Kolokotrones Symposium

About the Kolokotrones Symposium

The Kolokotrones Symposium is a biannual event featuring panelists from CAUSALab as well as partner organizations, such as academic institutions, research centers, and government agencies. The symposia are hosted both in-person at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and virtually via Zoom.

Past symposium topics have included causal inference in pregnancy, cardiovascular devices, suicide prevention, secure data environments, COVID-19 and more. 

The 19th Kolokotrones Symposium, “Building a Learning Health System: the VA-CAUSAL Enterprise,” will be held Friday April 11th, 2025 at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and online.

The hybrid symposium will explore how VA-CAUSAL may serve as a helpful model for future learning health systems. Speakers will describe the program infrastructure, research use cases, and policy implications. The symposium will conclude with a panel discussion on the future of research to build learning health systems.

Registration is free and open to the public. Register now on Eventbrite to attend.

19th Kolokotrones Symposium, "Building a Learning Health System: the VA-CAUSAL Enterprise"

Past Symposia

Browse former Kolokotrones Symposia and watch featured presentations
Past Kolokotrones Symposium posters

Have an idea for a future Kolokotrones Symposium topic? If so, we would love to hear from you! Please email CAUSALab with your thoughts.